Very red :) I was reading a lady's blog the other day and she referred to her morning juice as "plant blood." With a beet in there, I can totally see it. So this is what I have found after one week:
I have more energy: Nothing to write home about, but then, I'm exercising very little. Even so, I have less of the mid afternoon lag, and generally feel alert until I go to bed.
Better elimination: I'm a fiber nut and get totally obsessed with proper elimination, so this is very exciting for me. Good colon health is the start of good health in general. Incidentally, my sweat smells a bit milder also. I think this is related, as sweat is another form of eliminating toxins.
Mental clarity: A big reason I have been messing with my diet lately is that I find that my mental state is often scattered and foggy. This past week I have found a significant increase in mental clarity. I am far less forgetful and much more task oriented. I even paid my rent on time!
Confidence: This one is strange and unexpected, but I have been experiencing feelings of confidence that anyone who knows me well will say is unusual. I was actually able to calmly stand up for myself in a situation during clinicals recently that I would never have felt comfortable doing before. I find that I walk tall and worry less of what people think of me. I'm not sure why, or if it's even related to my dietary changes, but it coincides with the timeline.
Weight/size: I don't have a scale, so I don't know if I've lost any weight. I've also been lifting a lot of elderly people lately, so I don't know if a scale would even register fat loss if there has been any. But my clothes have been fitting less tightly, and that's always a good thing.
Tastebuds: BIG change. Whenever I go off sugar and then try it again later, it's always just as delicious as ever. But yesterday I took a sip of soda and found that it was mortifyingly disgusting. I'm not even off sugar, either. I eat fresh and dried fruit, and even coconut sap, raw honey, and agave nectar. Not a lot, but they are present in my diet. The food I eat is also very....complex to me now. I think my palate is becoming less muddled (although I did quit smoking-again-a few weeks ago and I'm sure that has contributed as well.)
Blood sugar: I have never had any blood sugar tests done, but have always experienced the symptoms of hypoglycemia. This past week I have found that when I get hungry (which is often!) I don't go through the mental fog, energy drain, and hysteria that I often feel during times of hunger.
Skin: While not clear, I've definitely noticed a bit of a glow. My skin looks a bit more alive and less dull.
So while I am not sure if I will be vegan or even vegetarian in the long run, I do know two things for sure: I will continue juicing, and I will continue to eat my veggies :)
The title sounds like something Dad would say! What kind of juicer do you have? What would you say its pros and cons are?
ReplyDeleteI have this wretched thing: The pros would be that it does a fairly decent job on non-leafy vegetables, and it juices quickly. The cons are that its big and bulky, it doesn't juice leafy greens very well, it's a pain to clean (every day...) and when certain things run through it (like fibrous plant stems that you wouldn't want in your salad, such as kale spines) it sounds like they are going to rip the machine apart. I bought it a few summers ago because every summer out here in the desert I only want to eat raw food. When it dies I will probably get a masticating juicer such as: because they create less waste.