Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tasty Cakes

I had a rough day today. I had to go get blood taken to confirm that I've had chicken pox, and when I have blood taken I have a tendency to hyperventilate, pass out, vomit, or any combination thereof. We all have a weakness or two, right? Anyway, now I'm ignoring my homework and doing the things I enjoy doing, one of which is baking. I just pulled some delicious oat cakes out of the oven. Wanna see? Here they are:
I know, they're tiny. Almost cookie-like. The dough ended up being a bit crumbly, so I scooped it onto my parchment-clad baking pans with the aid of a cookie dough scoop. I initially found a normal scottish oat cake recipe and adapted in using palm sugar instead of cane, coconut oil instead of butter, and adding my go-to spice combo, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Mmm. So the adaptations make this delicious snack a blood-sugar balancing, blood purifying, bad-flora killing super cookie. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah, and they taste uh-MAZE-ing!

Modified Scottish Oatcake

1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats
1 1/2 cups oat flour (I just used my food processer)
1/4 cup palm/coconut sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves (guesstimate)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (ditto)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 egg
2 tablespoons water

You know the drill. Combine the dry, add the oil till crumbly, combine the wet together, then add that to the oat mess. I flattened them with the bottom of a glass, then baked at 350 for about 5-8 minutes (i wasn't paying attention, i just waited till they smelled done.)

If I find something else worth baking today, I will definitely let you know :)


  1. Those sound good! Where did you buy the sugar?

  2. at toucan! it's expensive but worth it for sweet treats that are less likely to disturb blood sugar, because coconut sugar is low glycemic.
